Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Found out what goes with my new shirt

A special education ExCet test, that's what! I was meeting with the former English teacher, who has taught at the school since it opened. I was completely overwhelmed with the amt. of organization involved: YIKES. Anyway, in the middle of the freak out...I mean info session, the director comes in and asks me if I am special ed certified: Nope. I'll need to take the test to meet the requirements for a Texas DAEP school. I know nothing about special ed. I am scared to take a test I pretty much don't know anything about, nor have any interest in. Spec. Ed. just isn't my cup of tea. I ordered a study guide: good luck to me. And, today, we just got through junior high. Next week is high school. Hmmm. Feeling the pressure and the first day of school is 8 weeks away.

Friday, June 18, 2010


While I was away on a little vacay, the new school called for my t-shirt size, so I might match my other coworkers at the convocation!!! For those of you who aren' t in education, most larger schools have convocations, which welcome teachers back from their summer breaks. Usually, an administrator discusses the districts strengths and goals to address the weaknesses. I was always bored at such events, until this year, when I am so glad to be back on a team again! I snuck a peak and drove by my future school, and peaked in my classroom. I am SO EXCITED! I have proof in the form of journals that a career in education has actually driven me close to insanity before, and yet I am excited to give it another go. I think this job will be different than an avg. teaching job. It will be more intense. It will be highly student-focused. And, I have changed, quite frankly, since my last time in the classroom. It has been 6 1/2 years; it has been too long. I have LOVED my time with my children, but I am ready to work again. I am ready to try to teach. As I mentioned before, I am religious. I don't know why, but God has called me to teach. Again and Again. Over and over. Every break always ends with a new teaching job, a new start, and students whose needs must be met. I am excited! I wonder what color that shirt will be.

Monday, June 7, 2010

An Introduction

I want to chronicle my experience teaching at a DAEP school in a quiet little suburban town. I want to write honestly about my experiences. I am hoping to find a way to publish this in an education journal of some sort, because when I was searching for info before accepting the job, I couldn't find any. I decided to become the expert.

First of all: 1) What is a DAEP? It is a disciplinary alternative education program, mandated by the state I live in, to help students who would otherwise be suspended for long periods for behavioral infractions. In other words, when they've broken a serious rule, they come to our school for 6 weeks.

2) What are my qualifications? I have a BA and an MA in English. I have taught for 7 years in public schools, and 3 years in college.

3) Why would I accept a position teaching discipline problems instead of looking for an easier job teaching AP or dual credit English? It is really a God thing: my apologies to the separation of church and state people! I imagine and or hope that I can be Jesus to my students, by serving them and teaching them proper English and behavioral skills. My God is the second chance God. I am the second chance English teacher! Hoooray!!! Also, to be honest, the school is in my home district, I have 2 kiddos who will go to school there. Can you say coordinated Spring Break, Thanksgiving Break, and Christmas Break? Plus it is an outstanding district that anyone would want to work for!

I will begin in August. I accepted the job 2 weeks ago. I don't really know how to prepare for it, so I am going on vacay for a week. Ahh the perks of a teaching life. Right now, they are great!